Friday 26 April 2013


We went to the Moscow circus last night. Now, I am a circus connoisseur, and am thus, extremely fussy. But last night, the number of good-looking guys on the stage that winked at me (for I was in the front row) was astounding, and managed to warm me to the circus, somewhat. Also, my dear old mother kept loudly whispering "he's cute!!" and I had to violently shoosh her for fear that the performers would hear.

But I found it incredible, because no matter how many amazing things they do, nothing amused the crowd like a guy getting inside a giant balloon.

Now, I didn't mean for this to turn into a review, but I will say that going to the circus to see people make a fool of themselves and nearly kill themselves in next to no clothes, whilst you eat eat weird and unhealthy food is a sure-fire way to happy up.

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