Tuesday 12 November 2013


The Border Collie and His Vietnamese Pot-Bellied Piglets
The Chihuahua and His Baby Marmoset

Animals of different species can be friends. Humans too, surely can all be friends - at least we have the advantage of being the same species! Animals being kind to other animals puts a smile on your face and a warmth in your heart.

Check out more interspecies friendships here:


On the weekend, I went to a funeral of someone very close to me. When we back to our friends' house, we looked through dozens of photo albums. I saw all of my family and friends past and present in black and white or seventies film filter. It was just beautiful.

0162: BUTTER

Is there anything better than butter?
Think it over.
Every time you taste something that's delicious beyond imagining, and you say, "What is in this?" the answer is always going to be "butter." It's incredible. It's been whisked into submission, that's why. The day there's a meteorite heading toward the earth and we have 30 days to live, I am going to spend it eating butter. Here's my final word on the subject. You can never have too much butter.
Julie Powell, Julie&Julia

MMMmmmmmmm. the smell of frying butter. Just like in my grandma's kitchen.